Thursday, 1 August 2013

So many updates!

The blog has been updated with information on the Bento Workshop, as part of the Junction University at the Cambridge Junction. For all the details on the event you can click here, tickets are selling fast!

A few exciting events have been added to our blog & website- ‘The Road’ is a short film by Edward Jenkins and John Caldwell, which aims to capture the diversity and unique atmosphere of our beloved Mill Road. It will be shown at various places on different days.
Another exciting on the 3rd and 4th of August is Tin Box Theatre’s short performances at The Empress- they will be performing at 7:30pm on the 3rd and 1:30pm on the 4th so don’t miss it!

The Map Project has confirmed their events, they will be held at the Cambridge Art Salon on the following dates: Sunday 4th: 12 - 5pm, Monday 5th: 12 - 5pm, Tuesday 6th: 12 - 5pm & Wednesday 7th: 12 - 5pm.

Make sure you check our events page for all the information.  

I have added information on the left side of the blog below the calendar about some of our sponsors and affiliates, these include Halls of Cambridge, Six Bells Pub, The Makers’ Gallery, CoverSure, Independent Cambridge, Framework & many more! You can click on their logo to visit their website, please show your support for them!

We are still looking for volunteers to help us with the running of the festival so please contact if you are interested. Also, make sure you get your tickets for our closing party on the 17th here! It’s going to be quite a night.

We are also on the front cover of this month's Cambridge Edition! Pick it up quick! 

See you all Saturday!