Wednesday, 31 July 2013

Elise Nuding, Elizabeth Eade & other updates

Hi everyone!

Only a few days to go now! Here are a few updates: Elise Nuding's event Walking Paths will now be taking place at 5:45-6:30pm and again at 6:45-7:3ompm on the corner of Mill Road and MacKenzie Road- not at 11am as previously stated. 

Elizabeth Eade will be showing a selection of her work at The Six Bells pub on Covent garden from the 3rd of August until the 3rd of September, don't miss her exciting surrealist work!

Today I have recorded an interview with Cambridge105 to be aired on Saturday, more information on this soon.

Don't forget to follow us in twitter @RomseyArtFest and on facebook for all the latest updates. 

See you all soon!