Monday, 5 August 2013

LocalSecrets, Ed Jenkins, Shindig & Rebel Arts

First of all, thanks to writer Patrick Widdess for writing up a lovely review of our main events on Saturday- you can read the article here. You can also now find a page dedicated to your photos from our events in our Gallery as well as a page for our Press coverage over on our website

In other news, local filmmaker Ed Jenkins will be joining Shindig at our closing event on the 17th of August to show his short film ‘ The Road’. You can also catch his film at various locations between now and then, here is a short clip of the film. You can buy your tickets for this event here.

On Friday the 16th of August, Rebel Arts will be a presenting their event ‘ Rebel Spring’ – this will be a night of world music taking place at the Romsey Labour Club. The time is yet to be confirmed but will be updated soon, you can visit the Rebel Arts website here.

You can check out our events page for all the details on these events.  Don’t forget to keep sending us over your photos from our events! You can email them over to, also don’t hesitate to contact us if you are interested in volunteering or getting involved with any aspect of the festival- or just to say hi!