Wednesday, 7 August 2013

General Synopsis, Rebel Arts & CamLakes

You can now find information on an upcoming show at the Cambridge Art Salon on our events page which coincides with the CAN (Cambridge Artists Network) meet-up on the 8th of August. 'General Synopsis', an audio-visual installation by Petter Sutton & Andrew Coleman will open at 6:30pm and will be followed by the CAN meet-up.

The Rebel Arts gig ' Rebel Spring' has now been confirmed to take place at 8pm at the Romsey Labour Club on the 16th of August. You can also find photos from Elise Nuding's event 'Walking Paths' on our gallery page on our website as well as images from the FutureCity seminar that took place at Hot Numbers.

In other news the deadline for the Cam Lakes competition is only 4 days away, so get drawing! You can find all the information on the competition here.